We are glad to announce the finalized schedule for WordCamp Colombo 2017!
Registration for the day long event will begin at 8.30 am. Make sure you arrive early at BMICH and grab your front row seats. Or, the back row seats if you wish to ask tough questions to the speakers and make heads turn. 😉
The day will be packed with a mix of talks aimed at WordPress developers, business owners and users. You have a chance to make lots of new friends, so please keep your visiting cards ready!
Starting 9.30 am, the morning half will have long talks by Himash, Rahul and Samantha. Each long talk will last 20 minutes, followed by 15 minutes for questions and 10 minutes buffer time. The 10 minute buffer is a great time to grab some tea and snacks, and also make friends with attendees.
Lunch time is between 12.30 pm and 1.30 pm.
Between 1.30 pm and 2.15 pm, we will have lightning talks (10 minutes each, no Q&A) by Dwain, Harshadewa, Asith and Prasath. Finally, we will have long talks by Asif, Chathu and Takayuki, followed by the keynote speech by Stéphane Boisvert.
WordCamp Colombo 2017 will end with closing remarks at 5.30 pm and the after party double decker bus will leave at 6.00 pm. The after party begins at 8.00 pm.
Check out and bookmark the final schedule here: https://2017.colombo.wordcamp.org/schedule/